Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Chocolate Fondant with Salted Caramel and Pistachio Ice Cream

One word.. Heaven!!

This may take a little longer than the ordinary desserts.. but let me tell you it is every second worth it!

Here's how it is done...


For the Salted Caramel

15g dark muscovado sugar
200ml double cream
60g caster sugar
Lemon juice, to taste
Pinch of salt
Pinch of black pepper

For the Chocolate Fondant

15g cocoa Powder
15g caster sugar
80g dark chocolate 70%
80g Butter, plus extra for greasing
2 free-range eggs
1 free-range egg yolk
45g icing sugar

& Pistachio Ice Cream

  • For the salted caramel

    1. Place the dark muscovado sugar and cream in a saucepan.

    2. Meanwhile, heat the caster sugar in another pan over a low heat, stirring continuously until golden-brown and caramelised. Remove from the heat instantly.

    3. Carefully, pour the hot cream over the caramelised sugar (the mixture may splutter) and return the mixture to a simmer. Continue to simmer until the caramel mixture has thickened and darkened.

    4. Remove the pan from the heat and carefully stir in the lemon juice and salt. Season with freshly ground black pepper and stir gently once more. Set aside to cool slightly.

    5. Pour the caramel into small silicone moulds or ice cube trays. When the caramel has completely cooled, freeze it for at least 2 hours, or until set. (NB: You will not need all of the caramel for this recipe. The remaining caramel can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.)

    For the chocolate Fondant

    1. For the chocolate fondant, grease the insides of 4 ring moulds, 5cm/2in diameter and 6cm/2½in deep, with softened butter.

    2. In a bowl, mix together the cocoa powder and caster sugar until well combined. Dust the inside of the ring moulds with the mixture, shaking off any excess. Place the prepared ring moulds onto a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper. ( NB: If you do not have ring mould then use any shape of ramakin and follow the same method)

    3. Melt the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water (do not allow the base of the bowl to touch the water).

    4. Meanwhile, place the eggs and egg yolk into a bowl and whisk together until pale and fluffy.

    5. Sift the icing sugar into the whisked eggs, whisking until well combined. Whisk until the mixture is pale, thick, has doubled in volume and the beaters leave a trail on the surface of the mixture when lifted. (NB: This is called the ribbon stage.)

    6. Whisk the melted chocolate mixture into the egg mixture until well combined.

    7. Using a ladle, fill each of the prepared ring moulds with the chocolate fondant mixture until they are three-quarters full.

    8. Add one piece of frozen caramel to the centre of each ring mould and press down so that it is nestled halfway down the mould. Gently push the chocolate fondant mixture over the caramel to cover it completely. Chill the chocolate fondants in the fridge for at least 30 minutes or up to 24 hours.

    9. When the chocolate fondants have chilled, preheat the oven to 200C/390F/Gas 6.

    10. Transfer the chilled chocolate fondants to the oven and bake for 5 minutes, or until the tops have just formed a crust. Remove the fondants from the oven and allow to cool.

    11. When the fondants have cooled, run a butter knife around the insides of each mould to loosen the fondants. Carefully remove the moulds. Chill the fondants in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

    12. When ready to serve, preheat the oven to 180C/355F/Gas 4.

    13. Bake the fondants for 8 minutes, or until the cakes have risen.

    14. To serve place the chocolate fondant onto a plate and dust with icing sugar. Scoop up a spoon of pistachio ice cream which will provide the perfect partner. 

    (NB: I cooked my fondants longer as I personally prefer a cake texture rather than a runny texture)


Its time for tea and cakes...

Tea time treats are a necessity worldwide.. Here you can find two recipes for a Tarte au citron which is a classic french patisserie and a almond cake with raspberries. These both go perfect with a nice pot of tea and a relax on the sofa... Perfect for guests.. Friends and family..

Classic, Rustic and utterly Delicious...

Tarte au Citron


500g Pastry
5 Free-range eggs
125ml Double cream
225g Caster sugar
4 Lemons, juice and zest
Icing sugar, for dusting


1. Roll out the Pastry so it is just a little bigger than the tart tin. Press the pastry into the flutes of the tin then lightly prick the base with a fork, but not quite all the way through. Place the pastry-lined tin on a baking tray, cover loosely with cling film and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.

 2. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.

3. Remove the cling film from the pastry case and line with foil so it supports the sides, then fill with baking beans. Bake blind for 12-15 minutes, until the pastry is set, then lift out the foil and beans. 

4. Carefully trim the excess pastry from the sides using a sharp knife, holding the knife at a sharp angle and slicing away from you. Remove the trimmings from the sheet. 

5. Return the empty pastry case to the oven for another 10-12 minutes or until it is pale golden and completely dry. Set aside to cool while you make the filling. 

6. Reduce the oven temperature to 170C/325F/Gas 3.

7. For the filling, break the eggs into a large bowl and whisk together with a wire whisk. Add the rest of the filling ingredients and whisk again until they are all well combined. Pour the filling mixture into a jug, then into the cooled baked pastry case. 

8. To prevent it spilling as it goes in the oven, pour in most of the filling so it almost fills the tart, carefully sit the baking sheet and tart on the oven shelf, then top up with the rest of the filling to completely fill it.

9.  Bake for about 30-35 minutes or until just set but with a slight wobble in the centre.

10. Leave to cool slightly then, when the pastry seems firm enough, remove the tart from the tin. 

11. Transfer the tart to a serving plate and serve warm or cold, dusted with sifted icing sugar.

Almond cake with Raspberries


3 Eggs
150g Caster Sugar
230g Self Raising Flour
150g Soft Butter
80g Ground Almonds
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
1tsp Baking Powder
8 Dessert Spoons of Milk
1 Box of Raspberries


1. Preheat the oven to 180C/ 160 Fan

2. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar. 

3. Incorporate the flour, baking powder, ground almonds, vanilla extract, the milk then the melted butter. Mix to a smooth paste.

4. Pour half of the mixture into the baking tin greased and lined with baking parchment.

5. Add the raspberries, then pour in the rest of the mixture. 

6. Add more raspberries from the top, push down until just covered. 

7. Bake for 50 minutes, test with a knife in the centre to check to see if it is cooked. If the knife comes out clean then it is done. If the knife comes out with mixture on then put the cake back in with foil over the top for another 10 minutes. 

Serve both cakes with a nice pot of tea and gather round a coffee table for a natter! 

Enjoy :)

Pear and Almond Tart

This tart is moist from the almond filling, crispy round the edges from the pastry and succulent in the centre with the pears. With my very simple recipe you could have this knocked up within an hour... Give it a go... It's definitely worth it!


500g of Shortcrust pastry
100g Soft butter
100g Caster sugar
100g Ground almonds
3 tbsp Plain flour
1 egg
1 Tin of pears
1 tsp Icing sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C /  Fan 160C.

2. Unravel the ready-rolled pastry and use it to line a flan tin. Roll it out a touch more, if necessary, to fit in perfectly. 

3. Try and get the pastry right into the fluted edges of the tin. You can use a wooden spoon handle dipped in some flour to ease the pastry into the ‘flutes’. Cut off the excess pastry with a sharp knife and then sit the tin on a baking sheet and pop in the fridge to harden up a bit while you prepare the filling.

4. Mix the butter and sugar together in a medium bowl either by hand or using a hand-held electric whisk (or in a freestanding electric mixer) until it is really soft and well combined. Then beat in the ground almonds and plain flour.

5. Crack the egg in and then beat it hard so everything is combined. Remove the lined tin from the fridge and add the almond filling, spreading it out evenly so it is nice and smooth on top.

6. Drain the tinned pears well in a colander and then on kitchen paper. Score them horizontally as the picture shows.

7. Arrange the pear halves, cut side down, in the almond filling.

8. Bake in the oven for 35-45 minutes or until the filling is nicely puffed up and golden.

9. Decorate with icing sugar and then ... dig in!!!!